Work as a food delivery driver for Thuisbezorgd in Tilburg and earn up to €14.06 per hour (21+)! Read about what else we offer in the vacancy!
Chances are you've seen Thuisbezorgd delivery drivers in their orange jackets pass by your neighbourhood. Or maybe even regularly at your doorstep? Good news! Thuisbezorgd is looking for new colleagues to strengthen their team in Tilburg. What's nice is that you determine your own schedule, you get bonuses on top of your salary, and you work in the open air.
What does your work day look like?
Are you someone who likes to be outside and keep moving? And also enjoys working independently? Then this job as a delivery driver at Thuisbezorgd might be something for you! You don't need any experience or qualifications to get started. Do you have a good working cell phone with 5G, an e-bike or scooter? Then you are good to go!
As a delivery driver, you'll be biking/driving around town to deliver meals ordered online to customers. Using the Scoober app on your phone, you'll see which restaurants to pick up orders from. Once you have delivered the order to the customer, check the Scoober app for the next one.
You don't own an e-bike, but you'd like to get started? No problem, we got you! We would be happy to tell you more about the conditions.
Earn up to € 16.76 per hour (this is the gross hourly wage, including vacation pay and vacation hours). Additionally, you can expect an average of € 2,- net (average tips and mileage reimbursement) extra per hour on top of this hourly wage! Depending on your age.
16 years € 6.20
17 years € 6.63
18 years € 8.00
19 years € 8.47
20 years € 11.25
21+ years € 14.06
Are you the perfect candidate for this vacancy as a delivery driver at Thuisbezorgd in Tilburg? Then click on the 'Apply immediately!' button. Or send your CV and motivation directly to and we will contact you as soon as possible!
Gaby Gaspersz, bereikbaar op tel. +31 683052938 of +31683052938
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